View All Methods in this API


Version 1 This method allows you to update a contest. {entry_limit: none, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, annually}

For non required fields, you can either omit from the JSON string or set it to a default value
(e.g. String = "", Integer/Double = 0, Boolean = false, DateTime = 1900-01-01T00:00:00.000Z)


Name Type Description Required
{"auth": {"api_username": "", "api_password": "", "api_key": "", "company_no": 0, "username": "", "password": "", "timezone_offset": 0, "auth_type": "", "system_name": "", "system_company_no": 0 }, "contest": {"winner_customer_no": 0, "rules_html": "", "content_html": "", "reference_type": "", "reference_no": 0, "capture_fields": "", "contest_lost_message": "", "contest_won_message": "", "share_long": "", "share_short": "", "contest_no": 0, "contest_name": "", "contest_description": "", "category_no": 0, "company_no": 0, "contest_start": "1/1/1900 12:00 AM", "contest_end": "1/1/1900 12:00 AM", "created_on": "1/1/1900 12:00 AM", "ip_threshold": 0, "entry_limit": "", "win_ratio": 0, "survey_no": 0, "authenticate_with": "", "contest_rules_page_no": 0, "contest_content_page_no": 0, "contest_graphic": "", "campaign_no": 0, "contest_type": "", "contest_reveal_image": "", "contest_lose_image": "" } }
{"auth": {"api_username": "", "api_password": "", "api_key": "", "company_no": 0, "username": "", "password": "" }, "contest": {"winner_customer_no": 0, "rules_html": "", "content_html": "", "reference_type": "", "reference_no": 0, "capture_fields": "", "contest_lost_message": "", "contest_won_message": "", "share_long": "", "share_short": "", "contest_no": 0, "contest_name": "", "contest_description": "", "category_no": 0, "company_no": 0, "contest_start": "1/1/1900 12:00 AM", "contest_end": "1/1/1900 12:00 AM", "created_on": "1/1/1900 12:00 AM", "ip_threshold": 0, "entry_limit": "", "win_ratio": 0, "survey_no": 0, "authenticate_with": "", "contest_rules_page_no": 0, "contest_content_page_no": 0, "contest_graphic": "", "campaign_no": 0, "contest_type": "", "contest_reveal_image": "", "contest_lose_image": "" } }


By default, every API call returns an object of returnMessage as either XML or JSON depending on your content-type of the request.  With in the returnMessage structure the returnObject is specified above and differs based on the API meth.

Name Type Description
responseCode String This identifies the error that occurred for additional handling. Response codes starting with "A" are a success or "E" are an error.
message String Additional minor details on the response to display to your customers.
isError Boolean True if an error. False if succesful.
methodFailed String If there's an error, this is the method it failed at for debugging purposes.
extendedMessage String Additional instructions on how you can fix the error or what you can do with the return object.
reason String Explains why this error occurred or what was completed.
reponseTime Double How long it took to respond in seconds.
returnObject Double Returns contest_no
{"responseCode": "", "message": "", "isError": false, "methodFailed": "", "extendedMessage": "", "reason": "", "responseTime": 0, "returnObject": {} }

Sample Code

This sample code is to generate a function leveraging existing core functions you've already built.

func getAPIKit() -> (url: String, dict: Dictionary<String, AnyObject>) {

    var winner_customer_no = 0
    var rules_html = ""
    var content_html = ""
    var reference_type = ""
    var reference_no = 0
    var capture_fields = ""
    var contest_lost_message = ""
    var contest_won_message = ""
    var share_long = ""
    var share_short = ""
    var contest_no = 0
    var contest_name = ""
    var contest_description = ""
    var category_no = 0
    var company_no = 0
    var contest_start = "1/1/1900 12:00 AM"
    var contest_end = "1/1/1900 12:00 AM"
    var created_on = "1/1/1900 12:00 AM"
    var ip_threshold = 0
    var entry_limit = ""
    var win_ratio = 0
    var survey_no = 0
    var authenticate_with = ""
    var contest_rules_page_no = 0
    var contest_content_page_no = 0
    var contest_graphic = ""
    var campaign_no = 0
    var contest_type = ""
    var contest_reveal_image = ""
    var contest_lose_image = ""

    let url = ""
    let key = "contest"
    let contestDict: Dictionary<String, AnyObject> = ["winner_customer_no": winner_customer_no, "rules_html": rules_html, "content_html": content_html, "reference_type": reference_type, "reference_no": reference_no, "capture_fields": capture_fields, "contest_lost_message": contest_lost_message, "contest_won_message": contest_won_message, "share_long": share_long, "share_short": share_short, "contest_no": contest_no, "contest_name": contest_name, "contest_description": contest_description, "category_no": category_no, "company_no": company_no, "contest_start": contest_start, "contest_end": contest_end, "created_on": created_on, "ip_threshold": ip_threshold, "entry_limit": entry_limit, "win_ratio": win_ratio, "survey_no": survey_no, "authenticate_with": authenticate_with, "contest_rules_page_no": contest_rules_page_no, "contest_content_page_no": contest_content_page_no, "contest_graphic": contest_graphic, "campaign_no": campaign_no, "contest_type": contest_type, "contest_reveal_image": contest_reveal_image, "contest_lose_image": contest_lose_image ]
    let finalDict = User.getAuthDict(dictToAdd: contestDict, dictKey: key)
    return (url, finalDict)


To get started we reccomend that you download the Alamofire project to simplify integration:, in addition to SwiftyJSON:

import Foundation

struct AUTH {
    static var api_username = <string>
    static var api_password = <string>
    static var api_key = <string>
    static var company_no = <double>
    static var username = <string>
    static var password = <string>
    static var timezone_offset = <double>
    static var auth_type = <string>
    static var system_name = <string>
    static var system_company_no = <double>}
struct CONTEST {
    static var winner_customer_no = <double>
    static var rules_html = <string>
    static var content_html = <string>
    static var reference_type = <string>
    static var reference_no = <double>
    static var capture_fields = <string>
    static var contest_lost_message = <string>
    static var contest_won_message = <string>
    static var share_long = <string>
    static var share_short = <string>
    static var contest_no = <double>
    static var contest_name = <string>
    static var contest_description = <string>
    static var category_no = <double>
    static var company_no = <double>
    static var contest_start = <dateTime>
    static var contest_end = <dateTime>
    static var created_on = <dateTime>
    static var ip_threshold = <double>
    static var entry_limit = <string>
    static var win_ratio = <double>
    static var survey_no = <double>
    static var authenticate_with = <string>
    static var contest_rules_page_no = <double>
    static var contest_content_page_no = <double>
    static var contest_graphic = <string>
    static var campaign_no = <double>
    static var contest_type = <string>
    static var contest_reveal_image = <string>
    static var contest_lose_image = <string>}
func updateContestRequest() {
    var updateContestObjects = [AnyObject]()
    let postsEndpoint: String = ""

    let authAndFieldsDict = ["auth": ["api_username": AUTH.api_username, "api_password": AUTH.api_password, "api_key": AUTH.api_key, "company_no": AUTH.company_no, "username": AUTH.username, "password": AUTH.password, "timezone_offset": AUTH.timezone_offset, "auth_type": AUTH.auth_type, "system_name": AUTH.system_name, "system_company_no": AUTH.system_company_no ], "contest": ["winner_customer_no": CONTEST.winner_customer_no, "rules_html": CONTEST.rules_html, "content_html": CONTEST.content_html, "reference_type": CONTEST.reference_type, "reference_no": CONTEST.reference_no, "capture_fields": CONTEST.capture_fields, "contest_lost_message": CONTEST.contest_lost_message, "contest_won_message": CONTEST.contest_won_message, "share_long": CONTEST.share_long, "share_short": CONTEST.share_short, "contest_no": CONTEST.contest_no, "contest_name": CONTEST.contest_name, "contest_description": CONTEST.contest_description, "category_no": CONTEST.category_no, "company_no": CONTEST.company_no, "contest_start": CONTEST.contest_start, "contest_end": CONTEST.contest_end, "created_on": CONTEST.created_on, "ip_threshold": CONTEST.ip_threshold, "entry_limit": CONTEST.entry_limit, "win_ratio": CONTEST.win_ratio, "survey_no": CONTEST.survey_no, "authenticate_with": CONTEST.authenticate_with, "contest_rules_page_no": CONTEST.contest_rules_page_no, "contest_content_page_no": CONTEST.contest_content_page_no, "contest_graphic": CONTEST.contest_graphic, "campaign_no": CONTEST.campaign_no, "contest_type": CONTEST.contest_type, "contest_reveal_image": CONTEST.contest_reveal_image, "contest_lose_image": CONTEST.contest_lose_image ] ]

    Alamofire.request(.POST, postsEndpoint, parameters: authAndFieldsDict, encoding: .JSON).responseJSON { (request, response, data, error) in

      if let anError = error {

        println("error calling POST on /posts")

      } else if let jsonData: AnyObject = data {
        if let dataString = (jsonData.valueForKey("d") as! String).dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
            let json = JSON(data: dataString)  //use this object to parse data
            //SAMPLE PARSING
            let varData = json["returnObject"][0]["object"].stringValue

            // ----------

            //          if let updateContestDict = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(encoString, options: .MutableContainers, error: nil) as? NSDictionary {
            //            if let returnObjectArray = updateContestDict["returnObject"] as? NSArray {
            //              for updateContestObject in returnObjectArray {
            //                updateContestObjects.append(updateContestObject)
            //                if let item = updateContestObject["object_name"] as? NSDictionary {
            //                  let varItem = item["field_name"] as! String
            //                }
            //              }
            //              println("\n\(updateContestObjects.count) Total")
            //            }
            //          }

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>API Call - updateContest</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
   $(function() {
      var dataValue = {
            "auth": {
                "api_username": "", 
                "api_password": "", 
                "api_key": "", 
                "company_no": 0, 
                "username": "", 
                "password": "", 
                "timezone_offset": 0, 
                "auth_type": "", 
                "system_name": "", 
                "system_company_no": 0, 
            "contest": {
                "winner_customer_no": 0, 
                "rules_html": "", 
                "content_html": "", 
                "reference_type": "", 
                "reference_no": 0, 
                "capture_fields": "", 
                "contest_lost_message": "", 
                "contest_won_message": "", 
                "share_long": "", 
                "share_short": "", 
                "contest_no": 0, 
                "contest_name": "", 
                "contest_description": "", 
                "category_no": 0, 
                "company_no": 0, 
                "contest_start": "1/1/1900 12:00 AM", 
                "contest_end": "1/1/1900 12:00 AM", 
                "created_on": "1/1/1900 12:00 AM", 
                "ip_threshold": 0, 
                "entry_limit": "", 
                "win_ratio": 0, 
                "survey_no": 0, 
                "authenticate_with": "", 
                "contest_rules_page_no": 0, 
                "contest_content_page_no": 0, 
                "contest_graphic": "", 
                "campaign_no": 0, 
                "contest_type": "", 
                "contest_reveal_image": "", 
                "contest_lose_image": "", 
         url: '',
         type: 'POST',
         data: JSON.stringify(dataValue),
         contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
         dataType: 'json',
         error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
         success: function (result) {
                var obj = JSON.parse(result.d).returnObject;

                $.each(obj, function(i) {
                    $("#divID").html(obj[i].field_name); //do something with the data
System.Net.HttpWebRequest req = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("");
req.Method = "POST";
req.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";

string dataValue = "{auth: {api_username: <string>, api_password: <string>, api_key: <string>, company_no: <double>, username: <string>, password: <string>, timezone_offset: <double>, auth_type: <string>, system_name: <string>, system_company_no: <double> },contest: {winner_customer_no: <double>, rules_html: <string>, content_html: <string>, reference_type: <string>, reference_no: <double>, capture_fields: <string>, contest_lost_message: <string>, contest_won_message: <string>, share_long: <string>, share_short: <string>, contest_no: <double>, contest_name: <string>, contest_description: <string>, category_no: <double>, company_no: <double>, contest_start: <dateTime>, contest_end: <dateTime>, created_on: <dateTime>, ip_threshold: <double>, entry_limit: <string>, win_ratio: <double>, survey_no: <double>, authenticate_with: <string>, contest_rules_page_no: <double>, contest_content_page_no: <double>, contest_graphic: <string>, campaign_no: <double>, contest_type: <string>, contest_reveal_image: <string>, contest_lose_image: <string> }}";

ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] bytes = encoding.GetBytes(dataValue);

req.ContentLength = bytes.Length;

System.IO.Stream strm = req.GetRequestStream();
strm.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

System.Net.HttpWebResponse rsp = req.GetResponse();
System.IO.Stream data = rsp.GetResponseStream();
System.IO.StreamReader rdr = new System.IO.StreamReader(data);

string response = rdr.ReadToEnd();

Dim req As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("")
req.Method = "POST"
req.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
Dim dataValue As String = "{auth: {api_username: <string>, api_password: <string>, api_key: <string>, company_no: <double>, username: <string>, password: <string>, timezone_offset: <double>, auth_type: <string>, system_name: <string>, system_company_no: <double> },contest: {winner_customer_no: <double>, rules_html: <string>, content_html: <string>, reference_type: <string>, reference_no: <double>, capture_fields: <string>, contest_lost_message: <string>, contest_won_message: <string>, share_long: <string>, share_short: <string>, contest_no: <double>, contest_name: <string>, contest_description: <string>, category_no: <double>, company_no: <double>, contest_start: <dateTime>, contest_end: <dateTime>, created_on: <dateTime>, ip_threshold: <double>, entry_limit: <string>, win_ratio: <double>, survey_no: <double>, authenticate_with: <string>, contest_rules_page_no: <double>, contest_content_page_no: <double>, contest_graphic: <string>, campaign_no: <double>, contest_type: <string>, contest_reveal_image: <string>, contest_lose_image: <string> }}"
Dim encoding As New ASCIIEncoding()
Dim bytes As Byte() = encoding.GetBytes(dataValue)
req.ContentLength = bytes.Length
Dim strm As System.IO.Stream = req.GetRequestStream()
strm.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
Dim rsp As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = req.GetResponse()
Dim data As System.IO.Stream = rsp.GetResponseStream()
Dim rdr As New System.IO.StreamReader(data)

Dim response As String = rdr.ReadToEnd()
// This sample uses the Apache HTTP client from HTTP Components (

import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;

public class JavaSample {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
   HttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();

      URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder("");
      // Specify your subscription key
      builder.setParameter("subscription-key", "");
      URI uri =;
      HttpPost request = new HttpPost(uri);
      StringEntity reqEntity = new StringEntity("", ContentType.create("application/json"));
      HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(request);
      HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
      if (entity != null) {
   catch (Exception e)

// This sample uses the HTTP_Request2 package. (for more information:
require_once 'HTTP/Request2.php';
$headers = array(
   'Content-Type' => 'application/json',

$query_params = array(
   // Specify your subscription key
   'subscription-key' => '',

$request = new Http_Request2('');
// Basic Authorization Sample
// $request-setAuth('{username}', '{password}');

$url = $request->getUrl();

   $response = $request->send();
   echo $response->getBody();
catch (HttpException $ex)
   echo $ex;


    #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
    NSDictionary *authDic = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
            <string>, @"api_username",
            <string>, @"api_password",
            <string>, @"api_key",
            <double>, @"company_no",
            <string>, @"username",
            <string>, @"password",
            <double>, @"timezone_offset",
            <string>, @"auth_type",
            <string>, @"system_name",
            <double>, @"system_company_no", nil];
    NSDictionary *contestDic = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
            <double>, @"winner_customer_no",
            <string>, @"rules_html",
            <string>, @"content_html",
            <string>, @"reference_type",
            <double>, @"reference_no",
            <string>, @"capture_fields",
            <string>, @"contest_lost_message",
            <string>, @"contest_won_message",
            <string>, @"share_long",
            <string>, @"share_short",
            <double>, @"contest_no",
            <string>, @"contest_name",
            <string>, @"contest_description",
            <double>, @"category_no",
            <double>, @"company_no",
            <dateTime>, @"contest_start",
            <dateTime>, @"contest_end",
            <dateTime>, @"created_on",
            <double>, @"ip_threshold",
            <string>, @"entry_limit",
            <double>, @"win_ratio",
            <double>, @"survey_no",
            <string>, @"authenticate_with",
            <double>, @"contest_rules_page_no",
            <double>, @"contest_content_page_no",
            <string>, @"contest_graphic",
            <double>, @"campaign_no",
            <string>, @"contest_type",
            <string>, @"contest_reveal_image",
            <string>, @"contest_lose_image", nil];
    NSDictionary *finalDic = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                authDic, @"auth",contestDic, @"contest", nil];
    NSMutableDictionary* jsonString = nil;
    jsonString = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData: findalDic options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers];
    NSMutableData *bodyData = [NSMutableData dataWithData:[jsonString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
    NSString *urlString = @"";
    ASIFormDataRequest *request = [ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:urlString]];    
    [request setTimeOutSeconds:250];    
    [request setRequestMethod:@"POST"];    
    [request addRequestHeader:@"Content-Type" value:@"application/json"];    
    [request addRequestHeader:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",bodyData.length] value:@"Content-length"];    
    [request setPostBody:bodyData];    
    [request startSynchronous];

    NSDictionary *responseDic = (NSDictionary*)[request.responseString JSONValue];   
    if (responseDic || [responseDic objectForKey:@"d"])
        NSMutableDictionary *dicSave=[responseDic objectForKey:@"d"];
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // convert into the data and NSUTF8StringEncoding
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        NSString *strDic=[dicSave copy];
        NSMutableDictionary *dirJson;
        if (strDic)
            NSData* dataFile=[strDic dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
            NSString* newStr = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:dataFile
            dirJson = [newStr JSONValue] ;
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        NSString *str=[[dirJson objectForKey:@"returnObject"]valueForKey:@"customer_no"];
        UIAlertView *alert=[[UIAlertView alloc]initWithTitle:@"Error" message:@"An Error Occurred" delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"Ok" otherButtonTitles:nil];
        [alert show];
require 'net/http'

uri = URI('')

uri.query = URI.encode_www_form({
   # Specify your subscription key
   'subscription-key' => '',

request =

# Basic Authorization Sample
# request.basic_auth 'username', 'password'
request['Content-type'] = 'application/json'

request.body = ""

response = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, :use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https') do |http|

puts response.body
########### Python 2.7 #############
import httplib, urllib, base64

headers = {
   # Basic Authorization Sample
   # 'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % base64.encodestring('{username}:{password}'),
   'Content-type': 'application/json',

params = urllib.urlencode({
   # Specify your subscription key
   'subscription-key': '',

   conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection('')
   conn.request("POST", "/customer/customer/registerCustomer?%s" % params, "", headers)
   response = conn.getresponse()
   data =
except Exception as e:
   print("[Errno {0}] {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))


########### Python 3.2 #############
import http.client, urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, base64

headers = {
   # Basic Authorization Sample
   # 'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % base64.encodestring('{username}:{password}'),
   'Content-type': 'application/json',

params = urllib.parse.urlencode({
   # Specify your subscription key
   'subscription-key': '',

   conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('')
   conn.request("POST", "/customer/customer/registerCustomer?%s" % params, "", headers)
   response = conn.getresponse()
   data =
except Exception as e:
   print("[Errno {0}] {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))


REM for Basic Authorization use: --user {username}:{password}
REM Specify values for path parameters (shown as {...}), your subscription key and values for query parameters
curl -v -X POST ""^
 -H "Content-Type: application/json"